The date for the 2025 CDNA Carnival has not been set.
Please note that this is a carnival for 12, 13 and 14 years old representative and Train on (development) teams and 11 years development teams.
The carpark will be open from 6:00am. Games start at 8:30am. The Draw will be available on the morning of the carnival.
For further enquiries please contact our Carnival Secretary by email.
Please send payment of $33 per team by electronic transfer to
Bank: National Australia Bank
BSB: 082 494
Account Name: Campbelltown Netball Association
Account No: 04 759 7174
Please quote your Association name as reference.
Redfern Rd Minto
Limited parking is available in our car park. The car park will open at 6am. Additional parking options are the parking areas on the western side of the railway line or you can park at Leumeah station.
For people travelling to the event there are 380 car spaces on site. Buses are to drop players off in the Bus Drop Off Zone in Redfern Rd then proceed to Airds and or the parking area at Victoria Park (see Map),
Please see the Traffic Management Plan. Under this plan some residential streets will be closed to non-residential traffic and there will be no parking allowed. Council has advised that this will be patrolled by the Council Rangers and penalty notices will be issued.
Cars MUST NOT be parked across driveways or on footpaths.